Wednesday was an anxious day for our family as the dual surgery on our little grandson went ahead at the scheduled time. Until the last minute there was always the possibility that it would be delayed. But both heart and renal procedures seem to have gone according to plan. The medics said that the first 48 hours were critical. Yesterday afternoon, while the intensive care unit was quiet we were both (amazingly!) allowed in to see him. Amidst all the techy gadgetry he looked rather splendid! So we are grateful for signs of good early progress on what will still be a long and challenging journey.
We do want to say a big thank you to so many people who have contacted us publicly and privately to wish our family well and assure us of their thoughts and prayers. It does mean a great deal. We're also more grateful than we can say and so appreciative of the work of the medics at the hospital - without exception, great professionalism combined with warm humanity. NHS at its very best.