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Church Word Watch

In my own life and in my work as a counsellor and life coach, I have discovered that various words, pictures and stories used in Christian circles at best obscure and at worst mislead people trying to follow the way of Jesus.


Here you will find my reflections about some of them.


"God couldn't love






"God couldn't love


Everyone's Story Matters

Stories have always been important in my working life. As an English teacher, I encouraged my students to write their stories and to enjoy and understand the stories of other writers. As a PR person and journalist, stories were my daily bread. As a psychotherapist, I was trained to listen openly first to my own stories about my life and then to the stories of my clients’ lives.

God's Power and Ours - Part One

Do you have favourite pictures of God?

Think about the pros and cons of telling different stories about God…

First up…God on a throne

God's Power and Ours - Part Two

Do you have favourite pictures of God?

You and the God on a Throne?

How might/does worshiping a powerful God affect you?

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